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Alliages Industries
Technical Sce
Reference documents
Safety data sheets
Technical data sheets
Reglements, lois, certificats
Certificates of conformity
Practical sheets
Commercial programm
Concerning Cadmium
Flexible coating Qualities
Advise silver brazing alloy
Brazing fluxes
Gas pressure
Fluxogaz - Instructions for use
Photographic library
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Metals fixing
Fixing and variation
Historical prices
Metals graphs
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Conditions de vente
Frais de port
fr - Français
en - English
es - Español
Argent Paris 1177.87 €/kg
▲ +0.8 %
Silver LME 33.15 $/once
▲ +0.4 %
Zinc LME 2.906 $/kg
▼ -1.0 %
Tin LME 33.4 $/kg
• -0.1 %
euro / dollar 1.0835 $
▼ -0.4 %
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Alliages Industries
The company
A few figures...
Visit of the factory in pictures
Production Capabilities
Silver metal datas
Reference documents
Technical informations
Technical data sheets
Certificats RoSH, DESP, ATG
References, standards, directives, regulatory texts
Practical sheets
Plaquettes et documentations commerciales
Fiches pratiques & certificats ATG
Notices d'emploi des Matériels
Flexible Coating
Main qualities
Advise silver brazing alloy
Photographic library
Raw material
Brazing operations
Finished products
Inducting brazing
Calculations and simulations
Naked rods per kg
Linear weight / alloy
Linear weight / metal
Weight of rings / thousand
Rods used per joint
Temperature curves
Metals fixing
Fixing and variation
Historical prices
Metals graphs
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Brazing Alloys
Silver brazing alloys, Cd-bearin
Copper alloys
Semi-products Silver
Hight genuine alloy
Aerospace brazing Alloys
Lower temp brazing alloys
tin-bearing brazing alloys
aluminium and Zinc alloys
Brazing flux
Glu, palstic, div
Gas Torch
Cutting Torch
Gas Connectic...
Postes Ox/Ac...
aéro-gas torch
Electric materials
Gas Torch
Gas Connectic...
Postes Ox/Ac...
Welding Alloys Geka France
Structural steels
Stainless steels
Hard Alloys
Cast iron
Copper alloys
Aluminium alloys
Iron cast Alloys